本公司生产的系列冷压接线端头及接插件(亦称端子),引进台湾先进生产设备及生产工艺,参 |
照美国、日本、德国等先进工业国家的技术标准。按ISO9001管理体系组织生产,产品经国家电控配 |
电设备质量监督检查中心检测合格 ,符合国家行业标准,日本JIS标准,产品质量在国内外享有盛 |
誉。公司销售网络遍及全国各地,并远销中东、东南亚、欧美等国家。 |
安美公司全体员工热情欢迎海内外客商光临惠顾、携手共创美好明天。 |
The series cold pressing connectiong terminal and socket connector(terminal) |
producced by ourcompany which is advanced to introduce Taiwan Production equipment and |
production echnology,referto the technical standarde of davanced industrial ountries,such |
as U.S.A.,Japan,Germany,etc.. Itis produced according to ISO9001 management system. The |
product is up to the qualified equirementthrough national electricity contorl and |
distribution equipment inspection center accordingat home and abroad. The company sales |
network spread all over the country,and the products find agood sale in the |
countries,such as Middle East,Southeast Asia, America and Europe,etc... |
The whole staff of Anmei Company warmly welcomes businesman and friends both at home |
andabroadto discuss business and cooperate together for creating a beautifultomorrow. |